6 Middle TN Locations
Interlock Xpress has 6 locations in and around Nashville to serve clients at the location of their choice. Below you will find days and hours of operation, as well as which tech will be servicing you.
Please remember you must have an appointment to come to the shop: 8am-10am and 3pm-5pm are for Calibrations, 10am-2pm are for Installs, and Removals are done by appointment. Your 30 day service calibrations are set up the month prior. If you need to change an appointment, please call us. Remember, 30 day services are required by TN Law. Miss a service and you will be in violation which could extend your program requirement.
- Tech: Jerry
- Tuesdays 8am-5pm, Fridays 9am-2pm
- 606 Lafayette St: 2 blocks behind the Music City Convention Center
- Tech: Brett or Jerry
- Mondays 8am-5pm, Thursdays 8am-5pm
- 1315 South Water Ave: In between Phillips 66 Gas Station and Gallatin Automatic Transmissions, at the intersection
- Tech: Brett
- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9am-5pm
- 201 E Adams Ave
- Tech: Max
- Tuesdays 8am-5pm, Thursdays 8am-5pm
- 201-I Beasley Dr: Row of garages, connecting street of Beasley Dr and Century Ct
- Tech: Max
- Mondays 8am-5pm, Wednesdays 8am-5pm
- 918 Allen Ave: Last building on the left at the dead end, in a residential neighborhood
- Tech: Jerry
- Wednesdays 8am-5pm
- 2415A Hwy 41A Bypass: In between Enterprise and Appleton Harley Davidson stores